It’s very trendy these days to be proficient in Human Design, Gene Keys, Astrology etc, and I myself am exploring these with fascination and desire to learn more.
I’m noticing there is also a shadow side to knowing more and more “about” people and ourselves in these ways. The tendency is, to become so quick to project what we think we know about them, onto them, which then makes us feel so good about ourselves and our “knowing”.
I’m not refuting that there is great wisdom in these disciplines and teachings, because there most definitely is. But when all this information becomes something that is layered upon another being, almost like a piece of clothing that doesn’t truly belong to them, then do we really see this person in their essence? Are we really hearing what they are wanting or trying to reveal?
This shadow reveals an addiction that we have to seeking information outside of ourselves. When a system of knowledge exists outside of us which then becomes the go-to for whatever problem or circumstance we may find ourselves in, then we have already given away so much of our power.
When someone is trying to see you through the system they have learned very often they fail to see the real you. They are not experiencing you in your essence, they are experiencing themselves through their filters.
So maybe the practice we really need is how much can I drop my preconceived ideas and knowledge as I experience this person in front of me, instead of how much can I scan through my database of knowledge so that I have something to offer them.
One is being ok with our being-ness as it is, and the other is ‘giving' because of underlying insecurity or fear of lack.
I believe there is an art to offering our knowledge as a gift in a way that doesn’t dim someone else’s light.
This is the art I am dedicated to learning.
Less becomes more.
We don’t need as much knowledge as we think we do.
What we need is to connect with our hearts and each person who is already an intricate system of knowledge worthy of study.