Shadow Dancing


Entering into the darkest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is an ideal time to begin working with our shadow.

The shadow is the part of ourselves that is unconscious, the part that we don’t know that we don’t know.

In order to make our shadow ‘conscious’, we need to bring in the light of awareness by looking at 3 things.

1. Our ‘internals’ ie. thoughts, emotions and feeling sensations in our bodies.

2. Our ‘externals’ ie. what we are currently experiencing in our outer environments, for example in our work, home, relationships.

3. The relationship between these, with the understanding that The Universe is our Mirror.

We can then ask the following questions:

1. What beliefs am I holding about myself, others, or the world in which I live that are contributing to the way I am feeling about myself, others or the world?

2. Are these beliefs supporting me or hindering me?

3. Do I wish to keep them or change them?

We shine light into the unconscious programming of our minds which gives us an opportunity to accept what is there, love what is there, and then change what is there if we choose.

The amazing misconception about shadow work is the belief that what is unconscious is dark and therefore bad, and so there is a fear around going deeper and discovering.

The truth is that there are many incredible gifts and attributes that are waiting to be discovered in our shadows.

The main reason for this is that it hasn’t always felt safe for us to be completely ourselves. We have ‘banished’ the parts of ourselves that did not feel safe to express, into our shadow.

I’m noticing a theme with some of my clients. They are rediscovering the connection with the Inner Magical Child, whose gifts of sensitivity, wisdom and creativity, have been pushed into the shadow, in order to feel ‘safer’ in this world.

Now these incredible women are reclaiming this part of themselves that has been ‘missing’, and integrating the Inner Magical Child into their adult selves.

The results make my heart sing! More Joy, enhanced intuition, stronger belief and connection with Higher Self, and enhanced relationships.

I invite you to start dancing with your shadow 🌓